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TOEFL iBT - Preparation Course (10 hours)

TOEFL iBT - Preparation Course (10 hours)


Recognised by more than 10,000 colleges, universities and agencies, TOEFL® is the world's most popular English language test. We'll help you build the advanced English skills and sophisticated exam technique you need to succeed, with tailored classes exploring the structure of the exam and full-length practice tests. 

Our courses will leave you ready to face the Internet-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language  (TOEFL iBT®) in full confidence. Our standard TOEFL course offers you a balance of specialized study and free time, while our Intensive TOEFL program provides extra Specific Skills lessons and additional practice tests.


This course includes 6 hour lessons of TOEFL preparation and 4 hour lessons of general English for a more intensive programme.

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